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A Day of Thanks
Dan loved turkey sandwiches for lunch. At least once a month, he’d buy a turkey breast and roast it, filling the house with that luscious...
California Dreaming
I knew this wasn’t where I wanted to spend my silver years.
Happy and Healing in Maine
My wrist rotation has improved enough to be able to hold my big (200mm - 500mm) zoom lens again, even with the temporary cast on. I...
Angel Wings
I like that seagulls are intelligent, resilient, social, monogamous, good parents and dexterous fliers, but what I really love about...
Strangers, Mothers, and Orphans
We come into the life of a stranger with all the helpless fury of a storm in an aquarium. Frail and weak, we are unable to perform the...
Four Little Foxes
When I was a kid at summer camp, someone posted this Lew Sarett poem on a corkboard by the mess hall door. I'd had a thing for foxes,...
Lawrence W. Lee
It was such a thrill to photograph one of my art heroes - Lawrence Lee is the artist who inspired me to paint native american figures...
Gull Goggles
The eyelids of a Herring Gull don’t blink; the eye is lubricated by a transparent "nictitating membrane" that exists under their regular...
Gutsy Pasta
I love pasta, so I was very happy to learn that if you cook pasta and then chill it, your body will treat it more like fiber, creating a...
the world, from my bubble
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