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A Day of Thanks
Dan loved turkey sandwiches for lunch. At least once a month, he’d buy a turkey breast and roast it, filling the house with that luscious...
California Dreaming
I knew this wasn’t where I wanted to spend my silver years.
Happy and Healing in Maine
My wrist rotation has improved enough to be able to hold my big (200mm - 500mm) zoom lens again, even with the temporary cast on. I...
Angel Wings
I like that seagulls are intelligent, resilient, social, monogamous, good parents and dexterous fliers, but what I really love about...
Strangers, Mothers, and Orphans
We come into the life of a stranger with all the helpless fury of a storm in an aquarium. Frail and weak, we are unable to perform the...
Four Little Foxes
When I was a kid at summer camp, someone posted this Lew Sarett poem on a corkboard by the mess hall door. I'd had a thing for foxes,...
Lawrence W. Lee
It was such a thrill to photograph one of my art heroes - Lawrence Lee is the artist who inspired me to paint native american figures...
Gull Goggles
The eyelids of a Herring Gull don’t blink; the eye is lubricated by a transparent "nictitating membrane" that exists under their regular...
Gutsy Pasta
I love pasta, so I was very happy to learn that if you cook pasta and then chill it, your body will treat it more like fiber, creating a...
Return to Mayberry
Here I am, with the cinematographer and director on the set of the 1986 film, "Return To Mayberry". I was just a stand-in (for Don...
Otherworldly Cove
Visiting friends for their annual "back on the island lobster dinner," and all the while the view outside was becoming increasingly...
The wild night has ebbed. The gales of grief that shook the shutters of my heart exhausted themselves into a mist of sighs. I've become...
Missing You
I miss you. Silly you, happy you, interested you. I'm learning to live with distracted you, frightened you, silent you, parts of you I...
Herding In The Digital Age
When my husband died, I inherited the 600-acre Colorado ranch he built and managed for 25 years. In the all the time I'd lived there with...
One Last Barefoot Dance
It’s official, Spring is here. Scrubbing the floor with the radio on, I was surprised at how sad I was to hear the news. It felt ...
Betty's Eye
While in Bali a few years ago, I was sitting by the pool with a mostly white, calico cat named Betty. She looked up and me and the...
Falling For Wigs
My beautiful mother had wigs in all lengths and colors and as a girl I would secretly try them on and feel fabulous. I LOVED Jean...
A Good Omen
It was a foggy Saturday in Stonington as we boarded the Isle au Haut mailboat at noon for an Island Heritage Trust cruise of the Deer...
Purple Sandpipers
It was fascinating to watch these Purple Sandpipers in flight, changing direction as one in a split second. Purple Sandpipers have the...
American Dagger
I almost walked into this American Dagger Moth Caterpillar, hanging over the road at eye-level from a fifteen-foot thread. They'll give...
the world, from my bubble
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