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A Day of Thanks
Dan loved turkey sandwiches for lunch. At least once a month, he’d buy a turkey breast and roast it, filling the house with that luscious...

Strangers, Mothers, and Orphans
We come into the life of a stranger with all the helpless fury of a storm in an aquarium. Frail and weak, we are unable to perform the...

The wild night has ebbed. The gales of grief that shook the shutters of my heart exhausted themselves into a mist of sighs. I've become...

Missing You
I miss you. Silly you, happy you, interested you. I'm learning to live with distracted you, frightened you, silent you, parts of you I...

Herding In The Digital Age
When my husband died, I inherited the 600-acre Colorado ranch he built and managed for 25 years. In the all the time I'd lived there with...

One Last Barefoot Dance
It’s official, Spring is here. Scrubbing the floor with the radio on, I was surprised at how sad I was to hear the news. It felt ...
the world, from my bubble
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