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"The iPhone photography workshop and India tour was an amazing adventure that I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams. Jean Fogelberg taught us how to use the functions on the iPhone to produce photos closer to photos taken on a camera.


We learned how to use available light to take fabulous portraits and how to find the perfect locations and poses. We learned to take macro shots of flowers, how to adjust the exposure for sunset landscape shots, and how to crop our photos.


Jean's teaching skills made the classes fun and and the information user friendly for a novice. I'm so excited about my new skills I'm going to buy a digital camera  and see where it takes me. Thank you, Jean, you are an amazing photographer and instructor!"

~ Laura Tanaka, 2019 India workshop


"Jean, I was so happy with everything you taught me with my iPhone. I never knew that all those wonderful extras existed and were available for me to use until you showed me....I have been very excited and have been practicing each and every day and now feel so much more confident.


Thanking you once again,

Corrinne Brown" 2019 India workshop

"I just returned from my second Heaven and Earth workshop with Evelyn Roberts and Jean Fogelberg. This trip was an amazing mixture of the sights, sounds, smells, food, photography and shopping in India. The small group size along with the genuine people these women attract made the trip unbelievably personalized.  It was an amazing adventure and I came home fulfilled from being exposed to many new things and interacting with the people, those I traveled with, including our two “fearless leaders”, and those I met along the way. 

Evelyn planned the perfect balance of once in a lifetime experiences with sightseeing and plenty of photo opportunities.  She is a bright, light-hearted, open-minded and experienced traveler with an adventurous spirit. She paid attention to the details so we didn’t have to. 

Jean is a wizard with all things photography. She is very creative and helped us to see things in ways we had never noticed before. We had private lessons on Photoshop or iPhone photography, whichever interested us. She was ever available and patient during daily photo shoots. She helped with camera settings, framing the perfect shot and gave us options of what to do when the perfect shot was not available. She was even willing to talk “shop” while traveling on the bus or out for a meal. I can’t wait to edit my photos, I know I have many print-worthy photographs to occupy my walls."

~ Kristin Lundquist, 2018 Bali workshop & 2019 India workshop

"I had the pleasure of being in Jean Fogelberg’s iPhone Photography workshop in India.  I had very little experience beyond pointing, shooting and lots of deleting. I had no idea how much I could improve my pictures taken with my iPhone!


Jean has such a kind and gentle way of teaching, I improved my skills as well as enjoyed spending time with Jean. I highly recommend Jean’s photography workshops!"

~ Lee Ann McKinney, 2019 India workshop

"When I decided to join Jean Fogelberg's photography and Photoshop workshop in Cornwall, England, I really felt ill-prepared. My only camera was an 11 year old, pocket sized, Lumix digital. But armed with my new laptop and a willingness to learn, I embarked on what turned out to be one of the best adventures of my life.


Jean is an extraordinary teacher, and her Photoshop skills are limitless. Because of Jean, I now have cherished photos and brand new ideas about how to tell stories through pictures."

~ Michele Botts, 2017 Cornwall workshop

"This was my second photography workshop with Jean.  I didn't think it could be better than the one I attended a few years ago in Mexico, but it was! The setting in Cornwall was absolutely stunning. Photoshop is something I never thought I'd tackle, but Jean taught us just what we needed to know.  I learned so much and made good friends in the process. I highly recommend the workshop to anyone wanting to improve their photography skills and have a wonderful trip to boot!"

~ Evelyn Steiner, 2014 Mexico workshop & 2017 Cornwall workshop

"What a wonderful experience and lots of fun.  To be able to travel about in gorgeous Cornwall with a small group shooting photos was just the best experience. Then to have an expert like Jean Fogelberg help you to bring out the best of each photograph using photoshop was very thrilling.  Jean is so skilled with her knowledge and shared her techniques with each of us giving us time to play with our own photos and learn so much. The touring was handled with expertise and the accommodations were delightful. Great group of people just made the whole experience one I will never forget."

~ Kathie Keane, 2017 Cornwall workshop

"This was my first workshop. It was my first time traveling overseas by myself, and my first time navigating the trains from London to Penzance. It was the best decision I ever made.

The experience of Cornwall was beyond what I could've imagined, and to have the opportunity to photograph and Photoshop with Jean was a creative dream come true. Jean has the ability to un-complicate the most complicated challenges of Photoshop, as well giving hands-on instruction in the field, no matter what camera you are shooting with. Nothing shakes her patience and the love that she has for both the teaching and photography.


Being able to take my skills further with such a conscientious teacher, in a most beautiful setting as well as share the time with a fabulous group of students, could not have been more ideal. I'm going again!"

~ Suzie Fernandez, 2017 Cornwall workshop

Workshop group with King Arthur monument at Tintagel Castle ruins, Cornwall, England 2017

"Jean was an extremely knowledgeable and patient photography teacher who readily shared her expertise with all group members. This allowed the students to explore a variety of subject matter including portrait, abstract, macro and night photography. A delightful and very valuable experience that I would highly recommend."

~ Cheryl Carr, 2017 Bali workshop


"I can not even adequately describe the feeling when you are in a beautiful place, with beautiful people that all think like you. We went on a day trip and all we wanted to do was capture the moment in time. 


Jean gives you the skills to accomplish more than you can imagine. Her teaching methods are wonderful! She has a way of imprinting concepts in your brain with fun, imaginative exercises. Learning shutter priority with abstracts, learning light and dark with may not make sense to you but if you were in that classroom you will never forget it. 


I highly recommend this course and this experience! Evelyn Roberts took so much care with the details of our trip, and she paid attention to costs so we all felt we got value for our investment. 
Well done ladies!"

~ Christine Indelicato Rudkin

2016 Update:

"I attended the San Miguel de Allende workshop in 2014. I had a wonderful time and learned how to use my camera settings to get the shots I wanted. That was the jumpstart I needed and the beginning of two years of creative work that grew out of my new skills.


Jean taught us abstract photography…once I had those skills the sky was the limit. I own a few beach vacation rentals and I was in need of wall décor that would be unique and would add texture and specific colors to the rooms, so I created abstract photographs and had them printed on large canvases. I use this technique frequently now, I have black and white and color abstracts hanging not only in my own homes, but in my children’s homes. I have given them as gifts, and used the images for notecards. I don’t sell them for money but so many have asked to buy them, I probably could.


I feel like I reinvented myself and it’s all due to the simple skills learned from the master artist herself, Jean Fogelberg. I'll be attending the next workshop, in Bali, and cannot wait to take my skills to the next level!"

~ Christine Indelicato Rudkin, 2014 Mexico workshop; 2018 Bali workshop; 2019 India workshop 

"I fell in love with photography all over again! I used to be a darkroom junkie. When digital took over I put photography aside, thinking it would never be the same. Little did I know! After taking Jean's class I feel competent and artistic again. This was the perfect course for the beginner DSLR user. Thanks Jean and Evelyn for a fabulous workshop!"

~ Evelyn E. Steiner, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico workshop, 2014 

"Superb photography workshop for those just starting out or someone wanting a refresher course. The amount of individual time with Jean and creative inspiration were well beyond what I expected! From shooting portraits, abstracts, night and early mornings, manual mode and getting started in Lightroom 5 this was a week of expanding one's photographic skill set. Truly a memorable experience filled with valuable learning, great food, fun day trips and amazing people. Heartfelt thank you to Jean and Evelyn!!"

~ Kelly Burke, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico workshop, 2014 

"I loved the photography workshop Jean presented. San Miguel is the perfect place to take photographs, the daylight has a very special warmth about it and gives wonderful tones and effects to your photographs. Jean was a dedicated teacher and gave her time freely to all of us. Thank you Jean for a very memorable workshop and stay in San Miguel."

~ Robyn Nijar, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico workshop, 2014 

"The digital photography course was all I'd expected, and so much more. Jean was an excellent presenter - giving us new information in an orderly and well thought out manner. She continually reviewed the previous day's learning, and gently prodded us to expand our skills each and every day. I ventured into abstract photography, an area I'd never attempted or considered, and I can't wait to have time to do more with colors and shapes. Jean did an amazing job with presentation of camera settings, exposure info, and challenging us to keep stretching ourselves. The handouts were excellent, and the daily reviews were just what I needed. I've already recommended the course to several friends, and hope we can all do one together someday!"

~ Dot Drobney, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico workshop, 2014 

Pagosa Springs Women's Weekend ~ One Day Photography Workshop
Pagosa Springs, Colorado 2013

"I recently had the privilege of attending a photography workshop presented by Jean. What a wonderful experience! Despite reading my camera manual in the past, I felt totally confused and had no understanding of the impact or how to control the aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings. After experiencing Jean’s interactive teaching style and creative documentation of each function, I now feel capable of using my camera in modes other than automatic! I have already taken a few practice shots using my new knowledge and was excited with the difference her instruction has already made. I can’t wait to spend more time perfecting my new knowledge! Thanks Jean!"

~ Cynthia Moldenhauer

"I had the pleasure of attending a photography workshop recently with Jean. She was warm and welcoming, and her teaching style was effective and supportive. She has the unique ability to take a complicated concept and break it down into 'layman's' terms. She had great cues to assist in the understanding of the concept. I 'get' why her photographs and the rest of her art are so amazing. She has a beautiful spirit and her obvious knowledge is apparent in her instruction."

~ Penny Kipley

Images by Jean Fogelberg are Copyright ©2024 Jean Fogelberg, all rights reserved.

Please do not copy, print, or re-post without express permission.

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